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Woke up early again. I am sleeping too late yet getting up early these days. Not healthy, Mithru, not healthy! 

A new client came aboard ArtoonsInn Geeks Room today. Prathista, a Medico living in Hong Kong. She wouldn’t tell me what exactly she needs unless I sign a Non-disclosure agreement. It must be a pretty new idea. I can’t wait to know about it. She had given me a reference website and said that she wants something that looks like it. I quoted a price for set up, and for annual hosting payment. She sent the payment without any questions. That was the quickest ever client sign-up after the very first conversation.

I have made around 50k within the first 4 days of the year? Nice!


Construction update: The builder took me to the Asian Paints showroom. He said they will start the painting work in 2 days.

Bathroom tiles are done. I saw a good Pooja room design. It’s for mom. Although I don’t pray, I liked the design a lot.

Currently adding sand to the floor to start working on the flooring. I can’t wait to get to our home.

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