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Woke up to Purna’s messages. Did I not mention him since I brought my diaries online?
He is.. well… someone anyone would want to have in their lives. My best friend since school. I have so many good friends, friends I would do anything for, but, this one would always have a special place in me. He is working in Durham, US. He is a scientist by the way. The guy who works with mice, monkeys, and human cells to make up some stuff I wouldn’t understand. xD

He had sent some memes. This has become my routine lately, waking up to his memes or something funny he’s got to say and I follow along.


8 AM.

Mm… that song again. Mom’s playing it on TV. Literally music to my ears.

I have been trying to buy this laptop for my sister. Infinix InBook X1. I need her help with a few websites’ security and maintenance. The laptop is too on demand that I have to constantly check their page for its availability. No luck today either.


Construction Update: None. Duh! What’s pending is flooring, wiring, plumbing, doors, windows, Paints, and ceilings. The contractor says they will start with paints tomorrow.

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