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Only 2nd day of the year and I have the first payment already. One of the clients signed up on this day last year has renewed the hosting. I should probably celebrate it.

Morning song for today is

I so feel like dancing to it. I always fantasized myself performing a sensual Bachata in public with my partner (whoever that is : p).

I am picking Mahabharata to read for the month. I have no knowledge of Mahabharata except that there are two groups, Kauravas and Pandavas who by the way are 100 and 5 respectively. They apparently fight over some issue. I also know that there is a Dhraupathi who gets humiliated in public. That’s pretty much all I know about Mahabharata. When I told the same to my friends Sreeparna and Tanima, they made me buy the book last year. I never looked at it since I received it from Amazon.


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