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New year resolution update:

Blog every day. I am blogging. But, not every day. I am too occupied at work. : (
Save 2 ETH. I have it. I already saved 2.0 ETH.
+100 clients at Geeks Room. I got 41 new clients this year so far. Too many distractions to keep up with. I am sure I can keep up and get 59 more in the next 6 months.
Project Innfinity. I had been working on a part of Project Innfinity which is the ‘Writers Loop’. The idea is a few sittings away from launching. But, once I launch it, there is no turning back and it is going to be needing a lot of my time in the beginning. So, I am waiting for the right time.
Trip to Leh, and any other place outside India. Leh didn’t happen. I wanted to go at the end of Summer, but my house construction didn’t let me go away. I couldn’t leave because without me.. things won’t turn out the way I want them to be. I could go now, but it’s not the right time for Leh. For a place outside India, I am thinking of exploring the countries around India. That would also set a starting point for my dream to travel the world.
Write a short story. I haven’t written one yet, but I am gonna.
Read 12 books. I have read 5 books already. The sixth one is not published by the author yet. She is one of my friends and she wanted my opinion. I am halfway through and it is very good! It was a tough start, but, as it’s become too good, good enough to hurt my eyes reading at night.
Get fit. I joined the Gym again just a week ago. I have even hired a trainer for workouts and diet. I am following everything he tells. My weight has increased by 3 kgs, and gladly it’s all muscles and not fat.
Stop procrastinating. I am sure I can do better.
Looks like the new year’s resolution isn’t going as bad as I thought.

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error: Woah! Mate, stop that.